Calico Rock Organization
for Revitalization
Calico Rock Organization for Revitalization

Market Manager
Rich Fischer

May to October

Every Saturday
8AM  to 1PM

Hwy 56 and Hwy 5

$5.00 a Season
"Farmers' markets are one of the oldest forms of direct marketing by small farmers. A detailed study analyzing all the marketing strategies of farmers and other competitive markets in Asia, Canada, Europe, Africa, South and North America and other countries can be found at the link From the traditional "mercados" in the Peruvian Andes to the unique street markets in Asia, growers all over the world gather weekly to sell their produce directly to the public. In the last decade they have become a favorite marketing method for many farmers throughout the United States, and a weekly ritual for many shoppers.

In a farmers' market, a group of farmers sell their products once or twice a week at a designated public place like a park or parking lot.  Shopping at a farmers' market is a great way to meet local farmers and get fresh, flavorful produce"

Farmer Market -Local Harvest
Farmers Market
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